The Moffatts

Welcome to Moffaholics Annonymous!

On this site I'll include everything I know about The Moffatts, including a discography, Chords, Tabs, Lyrics, news and gossip, photos, show reviews, and more.


July 19/01
I added about a billion and one quotes in the quote section. Most of them were Clint quotes, but I added at least ten to each of the guys.
I FINALLY put up some good pics of Bob and Dave on their biography pages.
Also...I added a ton of pics to each of the guys pic sections.
Not to mention the few more links I added today...
TRUST ME...I've been busy workin on the site!!!

July 1
I just added a ton of pictures to the "clint pics" section. There is now DRUMTAB!!!! I added a few more songs to the lyrics section...and I'm on my way to the news and gossip the way...I have a new tourdate to tell you...

Clint, Bob, and Dave are all 17 years old, and were born on March 8th. Scott is their older brother, and was born on March 30th. He is eighteen.

Thanks for taking a look at my site. Be sure to sign my guestbook below or send me a private e-mail with your thoughts and suggestions. I'll be updating frequently, so please check back often.


wowee clitn pierced

Clint is my favourite Moffatt, and if you click on this picture, it will take you to another site of mine (on opendiary) that has a bunch of pictures of him and the rest of the moffatts. These pictures are updated and changed regularly.

The guys of the band:

Scott: Guitar
Bob: Drums
Clint: Bass
Dave: Keyboard

Bob Moffatt Pics | Dave Moffatt Pics | Moffie Pics | Family, Friends, and Moffatts | Group Pictures | Psykoblast Pics | Interviews | Discography | Song Lyrics | News and Gossip | Scott Moffatt Pics | Quotes | Links | Contact Me | Guitar Chords | Bass Tab | Keyboard Chords | Pics | Clint Pics | Tour Dates | Drum Tab | Set Lists | Scott | Clint | Bob | Dave


